Linking up with Dolli-Mama's ME challenge! Thanks Dolli-Mama!!
I realized there is something I take for granted every week.....blogging! Even though I am not a great blogger I do enjoy the time I put into it! I have made so many bloggy friends! There are so many blogs that I follow and love! It makes me wonder if I ever passed any of you in real life if it would be like a celebrity moment! So very exciting to see you, but too scared to say anything?!?! Not wanting to be that stalker! Just a thought! :) I do want to say thanks to each and every one of you that shares a little bit of your world with me! I enjoy reading it during my ME time everyday!
I will admit I am a little bit of a shoe lover! The love of covering my feet has now been directed to my daughters (Sorry Luke, boy shoes are not as fun) feet! I was reading posts in my google reader the other night and came across these! Are these not the cutest flip flops!! I so had to order a pair or maybe 2 for my Miss Priss! I can't wait to see Molly's feet in them!! So very excited! Thanks Jenny! I wish you the best of luck with your adoption fundraising!
I hope everyone has a Happy Easter Holiday weekend! Take care!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
2 months ago
Hey! I love that idea....blogging and reading blogs as "me time"....brilliant!! And yes, those are some mighty cute flip flops!!! (In my house, we call them flippers....remember when they were thongs?)
I'm still new to blogging, but I must agree it takes a lot of time but it's also a cool way to meet new people. Those flip flops were sooo adorable and the proceeds going to a good cause are a great way to support that family. Post pictures when they arrive :)
Oh, my gosh!!! Did you know Jenny is my real-life bestest twin-mom friend??? Her K&S were born exactly a week before my A&B.
My heart just skipped a beat when I saw you mention her. She is a beautiful person. :) I'm so glad you met her! :)
And I agree...blogging definitely makes for some great "me" time!
I love my time in blog world too. I definitely spend too much time here, and it is my time to unwind. :)
Everytime I find out one of the people I read live in Texas I freak out a little and start thinking about how fun it would be to run into them at the zoo, a park, or something. Not sure I'd recognize many of the parents, but I'd know the kids (aka stars of most blogs) anywhere! Glad I'm not the only one who has thought that!
I was just thinking to myself this week how much I love connecting with Mommy Bloggers. Even though I've never met any of them personally, there's this cyber connection that just fuels me. I'm constantly amazed by the support and encouragement given. Makes me want to live in the blog world all the time!
Happy to be your newest follower and will enjoy reaing about your twins as mine are just a little younger! Amanda @
Oh, blogging! I can't believe you are the first person in the link-up to mention this, even though it's something we all do every week! Good call!
You know, we don't have a Mom's of Multiples club here, so every multiple mom I know I met online. It's amazing how many things I have learned through connecting with other mothers through my computer. I owe so much of my mommy success to blogger moms!
Thanks for reminding me! Have a great weekend.
Love your daily pleasures and I for one would be tickled pink to meet any blogger!
I'm meeting one next week and I can't WAIT :)
Oh, yes. Blogging is definitely ME time!
Hope you are having a great weekend!
I definitely need to get back into the 52 weeks of me challenge. Things have been so crazy here, I haven't even been able to keep up with blogging and blog reading. I definitely love meeting new people through blogging and keeping up with people that way. You're so right about it being an enjoyable "me time" sort of thing. :o)
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