

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Prematurity Awareness Day

Today is prematurity awareness day! As everyone knows Molly and Luke were born at 28 weeks....12 weeks before their due date. They came into this world tiny little fighters weighing 2.4 and 2 pounds. I had never seen a baby that small before. The NICU journey by far was the hardest experience if my life. I follow so many wonderful blogs and carebridges about preemies that have won their battle or are fighting their battle now. Please say an extra prayers for these preemies tonight! It amazes me everyday how strong these precious babies are. I am very blessed that mine never had to have surgery. I never received one of those late night calls. They had no brain bleeds. Their eyesight and hearing are fine. They caught up in size by 12 months. They caught up developmentally by 18 months. Yes...very blessed indeed. I still feel like they deserved to be recognized for the battle they fought. They went through more in the first few weeks of their life than many adults do. Molly had 5 blood transfusions. Luke had 3. That right there is more then most people go through in a life time. I praise GOD everyday for giving me Molly and Luke. They have shown me so much. I am sure they will show me a bunch more in my life time.

I have a link to my posts on Molly and Luke's NICU stays on the right hand side of my blog. Also please scroll down to the bottom to see their NICU pictures.

To all the blog and carebridges site I follow ..... I am thinking and praying for your preemies. Whether they are still in the NICU or at home. They are always in my thoughts and prayers.


twinkietotmom said...

It amazes me every day as well when I think about what my girls have already been through in their short little lives as well. Our kids were born fighters...that's for sure.

MandyE (Twin Trials and Triumphs) said...

Wow...28 weeks. I've read that before in your sidebar profile, but it's especially poignant to me today. Bless Molly and Luke for being such amazing fighters!

MoDLin said...

Thanks for joining us to Fight for Preemies! I'm so glad Molly and Luke are doing well. We fight so that all parents can say that and so that babies don't have to fight.

Susan Bearman said...

Thank you so much for stopping by Mike&Ollie: 24-weekers Who Beat the Odds. As you discovered, I have a place in my heart for preemie twins (especially ones named Molly). We have also been very lucky, and though it was a long, bumpy ride, my preemies are now happy, healthy 19 year olds. I wish the best to your family as you watch Luke and Molly grow. And I'm sorry for the loss of your beloved Nana.